Friday, January 27, 2006

I played bowling today...


I swear to God, that game will never become one of my always looks so easy, and I can't imagine anyone doing so badly in it. But I barely broke 50 on my first game...

Double F*#%.

Apologies for the obsceneties, I'm just really upset. The last time I played bowling was three years ago, and only my closest friends will know what other "incident" happened on that day. But if I remember correctly, I was averaging at least 80 a game. So, why, oh why am I so bad at this game?


I asked Tere to go bowling with me tomorrow, coz there is no way in hell I'm going back there without improving my score. Even if I have to sacrifice every free minute I have until that day.

Talk about fun eh?

I guess I'm like this coz I'm not on a "fun" team... not that they're bad or pressuring me or anything, there's just something about being the lowest scoring member on the team that strikes my nerve. My teammates are unvelievably good, most of them are serious bowlers. The other rookies on the team play decently too, which puts me in such a foul mood until I can do something about my score.

But I have to admit, I still had fun today. My teammates were incredibly supportive, and since this is a non-bearing game, no damage was done. So, I really, really have to improve before the next game, because I don't want to be the reason we lose... :(

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