Monday, October 15, 2007

Sunday in Bratislava

I woke up early...possibly due to jet lag, but also partly due to anxiety over my missing luggage. I busied myself on YM, then I took a shower and went down for breakfast. My luggage still did not arrive. I didn't know what to do...what if it got lost? Already I was making a mental picture of all the things I had inside.

Fortunately though, we were going out, first of all to hear mass, and then to the mall. :) I'm staying in the hotel with 7 other officemates, so it was fun, like a field trip even, hehe. So I had something to distract me. I was hoping that by the time we got back, my luggage would be there waiting for me. First we walked a couple of blocks to get to the train stop. Now, to ride on a train (or any public transpo I think), you need to have tickets/card that you have to validate every time you ride a public vehicle. Since Kyle and I were newcomers and didn't have time to buy tickets yesterday, Namie lent us 10 minute tickets for the train.

It was a short ride to the train stop, but we had to walk a couple more blocks to get to the church. It was small, compared to Manila churches/cathedrals, old fashioned, but I liked it, the mass was solemn, and took a bit longer compared to services back home. I forgot the name of the church but I'll update you later.

After mass, we had lunch at this canteen. I had the pork cutlet in potato batter with rice, and an orange juice, total bill was 128 SKK. Roughly 260 pesos. It was ok for the price, since Mcdonald's and KFC costs the same, if not higher. Then, we walked for like 30 minutes to get to the mall. There, I bought a new blouse, just in case my luggage still doesn't show. I was so tempted to shop, but since I just got here I have to restrain myself. There's time for shopping later.

Then we went to Billa for groceries, I bought some apples, OJ and 6 litres of water. :) And when we got back to the hotel, my luggage was already there! Yay! I was so happy to see it again, even though it's been forcefully opened and my things were messed up. I was just so glad to have my stuff again that I didn't care.

I spent the rest of the night doing laundry... in the sink. :) Then, I had an apple and a small bottle of white wine for dinner. I'm really excited about tomorrow, I just hope we're not too busy and we can still go home early. I'll try to get a copy of the pictures taken from Namie's cam. I didn't bring mine today (since I had nowhere to put it in yet, my bag was in luggage). Next week, I'll take some more pics so that you'll have an idea of what Bratislava looks like. :)

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