Wednesday, May 07, 2008

Ten Things : Tagged by Jeng

BTW, I'm home :D Been busy...and I still have some major updates to post... but first, Jeng tagged me on Multiply to post ten random things about me. :) So I felt 'obliged' to put up my own list before posting my updates.

First, the rules:
  • Each blogger starts with ten random facts/habits about themselves.
  • Bloggers that are tagged need to write on their own blog about their ten things and post these rules.
  • At the end of your blog, you need to choose ten people to get tagged and list their names.
  • Don't forget to leave them a comment telling they're tagged, and to read your blog.
Now the facts:

1. I have really bad eyesight. Yeah, I know most people know already, but I mean it's reaaaallly bad. :D I wear uber thick glasses, until I graduated college, and only wore contacts when I started working.

2. One of my friend's dubbed me as a 'goldfish', he says it's coz I have a memory span of about 3 seconds...well I don't agree! Wait, what were we talking about?

3. I can't draw to save my life. Let's just say I'm more into performing arts rather than the actual "arts" arts.

4. Back in elementary, I was able to maintain good grades without even trying, but I got addicted to pocketbooks during 5th grade. To the point that I read during class hours! This of course, caused my grades to slip and got kicked out of the honors class. The books I read? Nancy Drew, Sweet Valley High, Sweet Dreams, RL Stine and Christopher Pike books. But I managed to get my act together and finished High school with several awards. :D

5. I'm a cynical person... I just hide it well.

6. I've always loved computers, probably influenced by the thought that 'hackers are cool'... and I was one of the early adopters of the Internet in Manila... I had the whole alternate identity, my own website, cyber-buddies, sisters, aunts, uncles, cousins, whatevers...yeah, I was (and still am) a geek. Don't judge me! My BFFs Jeng and Reyn were all into it too! Now I use the internet solely for 'research' and blogging purposes. :D

7. It's easy for me to fall in love... and when I do, I fall hard. But then, it's also easy for me to fall out of love, if there is such a thing.

8. When I was a kid, I wanted to be the President of the Philippines... or Ms. Universe. Go figure. Now I wouldn't want anything to do with any of them. :P

9. I was a bit of an athlete when I was young, or maybe I was just more active... I was a serious swimmer, I played volleyball, badminton, table tennis... Now, the only exercise I get is from walking in malls. Oh, and the occasional Aikido practice, hehe. :P

10. In grade school, I used to 'fake' illnesses to get out of classes. Sometimes, I would pretend to have a fever, curl up under my blanket to make sure I was warm so when my yaya would wake me up I could feign a high temperature. Or sometimes, I would pretend I had a really bad cold by slathering myself with Vick's... or I would stand in front of the aircon/fan... so I would feel clammy. :)) Yeah... those were the days. And sometimes during I would skip class by pretending to get a headache, sometimes with tears in my eyes... I did this often to my Filipino class. But I was so good at it, my teachers didn't suspect a thing. Oh I'm sure my parents knew, but I got good enough grades for them not to mind. :)

Anyway... those are the 10 things I decided to share. There's more, if you would care to get to know me better, hehe.

And here's the people I'm tagging. I hope some of you have time to finish this, I found it interesting, especially when I thought back on the things that I used to do when I was younger:
Mich, Louie, Jong, Jun, Esti, Eric, Tere, Reyn, Cindy, & Kat

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

10 lang ? encore!