Tuesday, January 17, 2006

"Tall Creme Brulee Latte Decaf for Vanessa!"

As I hurried to pick up my drink, I realized that over the past week, I have become increasingly addicted to Starbucks. Every day, for the past 7 days, I have treated myself to not just one, but sometimes even two drinks a day. It started innocently enough, a latte to treat myself for doing well in my systems walkthrough, an Iced White Chocolate Mocha for dessert, a Caramel Latte to wake me up during a particularly slow Wednesday...and the list goes on.

Now, about 1000 bucks poorer and definitely a couple of pounds heavier, I am putting a Starbucks ban on my diet for the rest of January. Well, at least until the next coupon becomes valid which is on January 29, 2006. :-)

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