Monday, April 23, 2007

Leap of Faith

I resigned from Sun Life today.

I don't really know what I'm supposed to be feeling, I'm so excited about my new work, but I will be leaving a place I grew to love for the past three years. I guess we all must move on. At this point in time, I know that my move to Sungard System Access will benefit me in the long run.

It just happened so fast, they interviewed me, and gave me an offer three days later. I wasn't even prepared for it. But now that I know what work I'll be doing, I just can't wait!

So let's recap, Leslie - left to join Navitaire, Irene - left to go to the US, Mich - left to go to Malaysia and be with Jay-Ar, Van - will leave to join SSA and possibly be deployed to Slovakia... That leaves Louie and Apple. Actually, I think it just leaves Apple. But if you think about it, her move to RAC probably started the whole cycle.

I didn't leave because my friends left. But I did entertain the thought of other employment because of it, and thankfully, I found an opportunity that seems perfect for me. I really can't say it enough, I'm excited to go. It's not just the prospect of Slovakia, but it's development work, using Oracle 10g. And they develop their people to be consultants. At this point in time, they can give me all that I want (and need). I'm sad about leaving Sun Life, but I'm more than anticipating my first day of work at my new company. That's all I can say about that.

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