Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Trading Up

Did you hear about the guy who traded one red paper clip for a house? No, not a joke. This really happened. Talk about trading up. :D

I also did a bit of trading up recently. I'm now a proud owner of an HP iPAQ HW6915 Mobile Messenger. At the cost of my four month old SE Z610i clamshell... sadness. No more pink, flip phone.

It all started when my dad got a new SE K810i from SMART. He started looking for a replacement phone for his iPAQ...something slimmer, or smaller since both phones were bulky, and it was tedious to bring both. Besides, he barely used the iPAQ except for making calls, and keeping reminders, something that can be handled by his new SE.

I then offered to buy him a replacement phone, in exchange for his iPAQ. At first, I researched small, basic phones (in short cheap) to replace it. But then I realized I didn't have a need for 2 phones, but I was reluctant to part with my Z610i since it wasn't even fully paid yet!

And then I thought of my older sister, who also happened to have 2 phones, 1 was a Nokia E61. My dad expressed interest in this model, so I asked Maitz if she was willing to trade her E61 for my phone. If I were to let go of my phone, I'd rather family have it.

So the deal was done. And it took me a week, but I've finally customized my pocket PC to my specifications. Still getting used to it though because it's so much slower than my SE, and heavier, and of course there's the QWERTY thumb board...but for the week that I've had it, I've already used it to read an e-book, review functional specifications, set up reminders & appointments, keep notes while canvassing for Maitz' external HD and used Wi-Fi and GPRS for various surfing needs. All in all, I think I'm pretty much maximizing the use of the Pocket PC... Not a bad trade. :)

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