We were supposed to head over to Devin castle, but the sudden snow made the roads slippery, which would make trekking up the uneven steps in Devin dangerous...so, mall addicts Ria, Namie, Treenah and I trudged our way through the wet slop to Aupark, getting our shoes, socks and feet wet in the process. But with all our effort, we left Aupark empty handed, soooo...Ria, Namie and I decided to proceed to Avion, on the opposite side of the city.
First stop, was Mark's and Spencer to buy some socks... since our feet were drenched, Ria came up with the ingenious idea to change socks, and then wrap our feet with cling wrap. And it worked like a charm! Our feet stayed dry and relatively warm, in spite of our wet shoes and jeans.
Then, we went shopping! My favorite pasttime...and my only vice...We were able to get some great bargains before having dinner and then heading home.
Now, I'm back in my hotel room, warm, dry, comfy and snacking on some pretzels and grapefruit juice. :) Tomorrow it's another busy day to start of another busy week... but all in all, I'm happy to be here.
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