Sunday, November 11, 2007

Too little time...

It's past 11 PM on a Saturday and I'm still at work... :( Not that I'm begrudging this or anything, it's all part of the job. I finally got a breather so I took some time to post some pics over the past few weeks. :)

November 02, 2007 - Malecon
After work, we decided to stop by Malecon at the city center for some mojitos (a rhum based cocktail). Then, we walked around Old town, and finally ended up at McDonald's for a midnight snack.

November 03, 2007 - Dinner at Marta's
Our officemate Marta invited us over for dinner. She served Sinigang (yes, Sinigang) with a twist, her version had mushrooms, and brocolli...but it tasted very much like Sinigang back home. I had second helpings. :) She also served Chicken curry, spicy beef, spicy veggies, and another favorite Chicken Tandoori.

Afterwards, Marta brought out the tequila glasses, wine, some strawberry liquor and beer. Round after round of tequila ensued, each beginning with the tequila song. And as the night wore on, the song grew more and more out of tune, and the boisterous laughter grew louder.

I didn't get drunk, but I did get really tipsy...and what I learned, is when you're tipsy from tequila, you shouldn't make any sudden movements, like walking quickly up the stairs (we viewed the rest of Marta's apartment). I got so dizzy, I honestly felt the world spin. The party ended at around 2AM, with all of us pleasantly buzzed.

November 04, 2007 - The Road to Bratislava Castle
Next day, we heard mass and then headed to Bratislava (Hrad) Castle for some serious picture taking sessions... sadly, most of us had depleted camera batteries since we didn't have time (nor the presence of mind) to charge from the night before. But we did have a blast taking pictures (like the slide, and the well photos). I'm just really happy that there are enough of us here that weekend photo ops turn out to be a blast.

Tomorrow, we plan to visit Devin castle (weather permitting), otherwise, we'll probably head over to the mall for some shopping! =D

Anyway, got to get back to work, until next post!

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